Infamous 2 tattoo
Infamous 2 tattoo

I am sorry this is such a long post today. But I never want to leave the path that leads straight to my Father’s arms. I am a beLOVED daughter of a God who is so gracious & loving. It’s His thoughts about me that should have me in tears at 3AM. And even when I start to think negatively about how people perceive me or focus on words spoken about me…the Lord takes a moment to simply remind me whose opinion truly matters. I am so honored to serve a God who doesn’t care what people think/say/perceive about me. He sees me & Steven at our very best, & at our worst. But the truth behind these 877 words typed is…that God knows my heart. And sometimes I let the words of others dictate how I view myself. I have days where I lose sight of who God created & is calling me to be. I am a work in progress, constantly striving to become more like Christ. See, no matter what people think or say, my yoke/His yoke fits me perfectly. The yoke that the Lord molded & shaped specifically for me. We all know growth always comes with a little pain.įinally, I am reminded of my yoke. If I could just put my feelings aside for a moment & listen to the underlying message…I have an opportunity to grow. There is a bigger picture here that God is trying to show me. I wish I could just brush it off but I can’t. The fact that I let those word get to my heart drives me crazy. I feel some days like I’m losing who I used to be. The fact that I was so bothered by the statement made really irritates me. (Isn’t that how marriage is supposed to work?) Even in hard situations when it may hurt. He has a voice, opinions, convictions and he in no way keeps them from me. If anyone has any doubt about my husband’s voice in our relationship …1. I still remind myself of the yoke I am to carry (Christ’s yoke –the yoke that fits me perfectly) often. The Lord really pierced my heart with those words. That’s ours to carry & it simply will not work for them. The preacher went on to say that as a husband/wife it’s not our job to put our yoke on our spouse. I listened to a sermon a year or so after we married that talked about how a husband & wife each have their own yoke. We have strong convictions & when we believe something, we believe it with all of who we are. I have to say that Steven & I are both very stubborn people. You do whatever you can to make the other person happy because you are in a relationship in its fragile stage. There was a time in our lives when I did dictate choices Steven made in his life. Knowing who he was & almost every detail about him as a person. I obviously made the CHOICE to marry him. It has been said repeatedly that I somehow control Stevens behavior in various situations. (I’m being incredibly vulnerable & that was very hard to type.) My character has been attacked time & time again because of people’s perception of my relationship with Steven. And the reason….I didn’t want people to think in any way that I make Steven do things. I cared very much what people thought about it. During the hour I laid in bed wide awake last night, I kept asking the Lord, “why does this bother me so much? I don’t even care if people think I made Steven get the tattoo!” The Lord quickly made me realize that I did quite obviously care. Whether the person meant to do that or not. Every once in a while when I feel my character is being attacked it hurts. I am not a person who typically cares what others think of me. It was something in me that needed to be dealt with.

infamous 2 tattoo

That is in no way the person who made the comments fault. I literally was up for an hour in the middle of the night almost in tears because of that simple little comment. This was said & I took it however I took it. I just think that the Lord needed to work on some roots of character in me. I don’t think by any means it was meant to be that. But I felt like it was an attack on who I am. When he told me that, I was extremely bothered. Steven mentioned that someone thought I made him get that tattooed on his arm. But alas, he is who he is & he loves what he loves. I just think he could have highlighted the scripture in his Bible or posted the scripture on his Facebook. It’s his prerogative & I knew in advance he planned to get that on his arm. That being said, I don’t like that Steven got another tattoo. I don’t think people with tattoos are going to hell…I just don’t like them for me. I just simply don’t like them for myself. I am obviously married to a man who loves tattoos. However, if you know me at all, you know I am not a fan of tattoos, before you judge me & send me hate messages I’d like to explain. “The man who finds a wife finds a treasure,and he receives favor from the LORD.” For those people who don’t know the scripture off-hand it says, “Proverbs 18:22” is what his arm will forever read. The other day Steven came home with a tattoo.

Infamous 2 tattoo